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Image by Raden Prasetya


St John's youth is a place for young people to belong, find purpose and discover faith. We are passionate about Jesus and forging a sense of family between the young people through weekly clubs for 12-18 year olds across Linlithgow. The youth are connected to all areas of the church life and have a direct influence in the direction of the youth programme. Our youth workers, Andy & Brianne and a small army of volunteers care for the young people.


On Sundays


At the moment young people from P7-S6 all meet together. We follow a varied programme, some weeks we're in the service, others we're serving and others we have our own sessions. 


Through the week


We have different groups and clubs for specific ages and for all, giving the young people the chance to hang out together, learn, ask difficult questions about life and faith and serve. 


Check out what's happening on our What's On page or on Instagram.  

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