Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.
Linlithgow Churches are having a Linlithgow 'Thy Kingdom Come' 24/7 prayer week from Monday 22 May - Sunday 28 May. There are opportunities to meet with others in-person or online. You can also sign up for an hour slot to pray on your own from home - some resources to help you pray will be sent with your confirmation sign up email.
Daily in-person prayer at locations across Linlithgow (On Monday to Friday we'll meet for 30 mins.)
Mon 22 May 12 noon @ St John's Church, 183 High Street
Tue 23 May 12 noon @ St Michael’s Church of Scotland, Kirkgate Room
Wed 24 May 12.30pm @ St Michael’s Church of Scotland, Queen's Aisle
Thu 25 May 9am @ St Peter’s
Fri 26 May 12 noon @ St Michael’s Church of Scotland, Kirkgate Room
Sat 27 May 2-4pm, drop in @ St Peter’s - reflective silent prayer
Sun 28 May 7.30pm @ St John's Church, 183 High Street​​
Monday to Friday join on Zoom for short morning & evening prayer (10-15mins)
Morning at 8.45am (not Thursday): Join Here | Meeting ID: 752 5004 9389 | Passcode: xB8nCg
Evening at 9pm: Join Here | Meeting ID: 765 6443 7249 | Passcode: 0jMBM6
At Home
Sign up for 1-hour prayer slots in the calendar below to pray on your own from home. (You can book more than 1). Resources to help you pray at home will be sent with your confirmation email.
If you have any problems using the calendar below you can access it here